Dear Jerri,
Wowwww, 18. Happy birthday love, I hope you get everything you ever ask for! They grow up so fast *sniff sniff*
The world hasn't been kind to you, people have been bitches. And for the record, you don't deserve it. Not at all. You're an amazing person. And I don't say that lightly. I mean it in the heaviest way possible. You.Are.Amazing.
Thank you for being so amazing. For listening to me, and meeting me for breakfast at mac's so fucking early. Thank you for texting me in the morning, and asking how I am. Thank you for the dinosaurs that walked on the stars. Thank you for the nerd convention. Thank you for Eclipse. Thank you for MUFE. Thank you for your slightly under done muffins. Thank you for everything. Thank you for being with me through it all :)
There's something I want to say, there's something you need to know. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, I wish you understood how awesome you are. Sweetie, you aren't fat. You're far from that. You're tall, you're gorgeous, you're a real woman. You wouldn't be that fun to hug if you were stick thin ): You're single, yeah, but so am I. We'll be single together, so it won't suck. And god knows i'm gonna be this way for a fucking long time, so you're not gonna lose my company anytime soon :) YOU'RE NOT ALONE. You'll ALWAYS have me, hamesha and forever. If you ever EVER feel alone, text me, call me. Have I ever let you down? :D
And YES, one day, we're gonna get a house together, and fashion our own little world with the trinkets we've collected in this one. We'll live in the UK together. You'll be a producer, and I'll be a doctor, we'll still be best friends, and it'll all be amazing, because we'll be together :D
I love you like a fat kid loves cake, and I always will.
You sexay thang, lol.