
I will follow you into the dark

better do what you can.

I don't know how you were inverted, no one alerted you
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I don't know why nobody told you,
how to unfold your love,
I don't know how somebody controlled you,
they bought and sold you

Monday, November 29, 2010

And when the light is cloudy,
there's still a light that shines on me,
shine until tomorrow,
let it be.

Oh and when the lights are low
Saturday, November 27, 2010

When I was a child everybody smiled, nobody knows me at all
Very late at night and in the morning light, nobody knows me at all

Now I got lots of friends, yes, but then again, nobody knows me at all
I don't give a damn, I'm happy as a clam, nobody knows me at all
Ah, what can you do? There's nobody like you. Nobody knows me at all

I know how you feel, no secrets to reveal, nobody knows me at all
Very late at night and in the morning light, nobody knows me at all
Nobody knows me, nobody knows me, nobody knows me at all

After looking at all the prom photo's, I have just one thing to say, TOO.MUCH.FOUNDATION.IN.THE.WRONG.FUCKING.SHADE.

Wearing a foundation shades lighter than your actual skin tone DOES NOT ACTUALLY MAKE YOU LOOK FAIRER. It makes you look chalky and pasty and fake. Also, you can see a clear distinction between your face and your neck, and its not pretty, sweetie. Haven't you ever heard of blending? BLEND THAT SHIT DOWN YOUR NECK, B.L.E.N.D.

Make up applied wrong pisses me off.

Friday, November 26, 2010

You're so in love,
I hope it doesn't kill you.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Trigonal bipyramidal's and octahedral's are the very bane of my existance )': why do we have to memorize all of this?! I don't see it coming in handy in anything at all D:

Its only a dream, but i'm gonna make this my reality.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

have you ever wished you could chop down your friendships and start all over because you're just so ashamed of the way you acted, the vulnerability you showed?

yeah, that sucks.
Like I said, can't wait to move!

Its a brand new day, the sun is shining, and its a brand new day. For the first time, in such a long long time, I know i'll be ok!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Your childhood home is just powder white bones

the prettiest people do the ugliest things

Be my youth, My kissing booth, My little sweet tooth, My beauty and truth

Be my thrill,
My little white pill,
My unpaid bill,
The one who will,
Be my love,
My little grey dove,

Be my one,
My day in the sun,
My little top gun,
The best thing i've done

And every morning is like the one before,
And everybody needs someone to adore,
I'm counting on you,
Oh baby say you will
Oh baby be my thrill


Dear Jerri, Aidan, Portia, Nasri, M, Jx, Bernice, Arrpi, Niki, Priya,

I love you guys, a lot.

Very very very very sincerely,
Bee :D

The day's atmosphere is acrid, filled with anxiety, pain, loss, anger. The heavy breaths of the world surround you as walk on. Its every man for himself, you can't help but feel alone. Its almost stifling.

However, the night's atmosphere is calm. Especially midnight. As you look out into the inky black night, you feel dreams thread themselves in your skin, you feel the stars tangle in your hair, and you feel supernova' explode all around you. Right in front of your very eyes, you see them. Millions and millions of dream worlds created by every living human being around the world. Suddenly, you feel infinite, you are reminded that magic surrounds you. As you feel the cool wind brush past your fingertips, you can almost feel magic's gentle embrace.

Suddenly, you don't feel so alone.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Its not ok, but i'm alright :)

You know, this blog... its a BLOG, but I don't use it like a conventional blog, like I don't actually blog about my day, even though, every post is how i'm feeling and its what i'm going through on that particular day, I think maybe I should start using it as a conventional blog sometimes! And so, here's whats on my mind, you gorgeous reader, you.


I should probably be studying now! I'm soo dead for maths and physics and possibly chem. I'm hoping english will be good? yes? :D

9 days till semesters end. And then i'm gonna have a fucking good time for the two days i'm still here.

10 days till I leave. For a month. SALVATION, THY NAME IS AIRPLANES . Yep going to India, and I have much to do while i'm there.

1) Watch all 8 seasons of Scrubs

2) Watch all 6 seasons of House M.D

3) Read the following books :

  • The Great Gatsby
  • Train To Pakistan
  • House Of Spirits
  • Metamorphosis
  • The Outsider
Analyze the fucking shit out of them so Songo can't say anything :D This includes all 200 +++++ literary devices + authors history + setting.


4) Physics (superrr easy) project with Anchit, Arrpita, Shounak, Nidhi, Sindhhuja (lol) and some more people that I can't remember (can't be bothered to remember)

5) Maths portfolio - if mam actually sends it to us, that is.

6) Brush up on bio and chem. DUDE SRSLY,WTF I CAN DO THESE SUBJECTS. THEY'RE MY THING. Don't tell me I can't do this shit ok. ITS MY SHIT.

7) family bonding FTW! I get to see Ashu Bhaiya who I haven't seen in forevererererererer (more accurately, 3 years) + adorable avin

Thats a lot of fit into a month trip. I'm quiet worried about the english actually. I'm rather dim at analyzing every single word in a book. And I don't like to either, it takes away from the magic of it, don't you think?

I'll be back december 30th, just in time for New Years. My dad will be outta town for New Years (YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS) which means I can go for the kick ass party someone in my class will probably throw.

School starts Jan 5th, and i'm already dreading it. CAS overseas trip sometime next year boo yeah! Can't wait.

Alrighty, so I think thats the end of this post, lol. Knowing me, i'll probably delete this post sooner or later, it looks so ugly in the midst of my other blog posts D:

EDIT: I also need to plan 3 IU events for feb.

The camera's on, 3,2,1, every day

I'm playing you my 'best of' how I feel,
from real to reel

All this trying has made me tight, and I don't even know where to start

Anyway, you're not here enough to care.

And you're so tired, you don't sleep at night,
as your heart is trying to mend,
You keep quiet, but you think you might,
disappear before the end.

Until someone loves you, I'll keep you safe
Sunday, November 21, 2010

You were a child who was made of glass.
You carried a black heart passed down from your dad.
If somebody loved you, they'd tell you by now;
We all turn away when you're down.

You want to go back to where you felt safe,
To hear your brother's laughter,
See your mother's face.
Your childhood home is just powder-white bones
And you'll never find your way back.

And when you're gone, will they say your name?
And when you're gone, will they love you the same?
If not, that's okay.
If not, that's okay.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

You were a beautiful waste of time

ok, what?

You leave me inexplicably confused. Seriously, completely and totally inexplicably confused. Everything does nowadays.

Maybe its just me then.

me and gravity, we never could agree

Angel you sing about beautiful things
and all I want to do is believe
but I traded my dreams for this mess of memories
and they just stopped working for me

I'm not a Monster I believe
like a liar would believe
helps me navigate the wooden smiles, the raging sea
all my heroes pull their heads
like a fighter would I guess
no one ever really likes getting older

Tibetian Test

Tibetian Test

1-st question. Priorities in your life:


2-nd question:

loyal implies your own personality.
sexy implies personality of your partner.
sleezy implies the personality of your enemies
aromatic- It is how you interpret sex.
unknown implies your own life.

3-rd question:

Avin - Someone you will never forget.
Arrpita - Someone you consider your true friend.
Aidan - Someone that you really love.
The Beatles - Your twin soul.
Jerrica - Someone that you will remember for the rest of your life.

hahah, took this from naz's blog. Its fairly accurate on most, especially someone that I really love. But I certainly don't consider sex, aromatic, lol.

I gave a call to the crisis line, but I don't mind.

She smiled as she felt his hands slide up her arms and over the smooth skin of the nape of her neck to rest on her flushed cheeks. Her face cradled in his hands.

' A perfect fit,' she thought,' this is fate.'

Friday, November 19, 2010

You were the first voice I turned to,
In the absence of my own.

I watch you flit to different entities, trying to fix their superficial cuts. Don't you realize that they dig the knife deeper into your flesh as they heal?

I am in the darkness behind you, my darling, I have always, and will always be in the darkness behind you. Therefore, don't be afraid of the darkness, embrace it, I will always be there for you. I will always clean your wounds and give you food. I will never poison your spirit. I promise.

I step back into the shadows and watch you flutter by gracefully. I've never been a very gregarious creature. I prefer the company of thick novels stacked up to the ceiling than that of people. However, you're not just a person. You are a lot more. You are magic.

It was in his eyes, she realized. His eyes said more than his lips would ever let escape. Her own eyes glimmered with curiosity every time she looked into his deep brooding ones, anguish and suffering hit her like a ton of bricks. Bewilderment drew her in, she felt the chocolate of his iris slip over her shoulders. 'I must know,' she told herself,' I must know why.'

And that is where it all began, her vicious obsession with him. His eyes.

And all the broken hearted people living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be.

My closest hand was halfway around the world
Thursday, November 18, 2010

And now I just don't know what I should do,
I'm twisted all around like some cartoon.
But I don't mind, no, I don't mind.
Just stay by my side,
coz either I bleed dry
or keep this thorn in my side.

Lonely day

I could tell from the minute I woke up,
It was going to be a lonely lonely lonely lonely day.
Rise and shine rub the sleep out of my eyes,
And try to tell myself I can't go back to bed,
It's gonna be a lonely lonely lonely lonely day.

Even though the sun is shining down on me,
and I should feel about as happy as can be,
I just got here and I already want to leave,
It's gonna be a lonely lonely lonely lonely day

Everybody knows that something's wrong,
But nobody knows what's going on,
We all sing the same old song,
When you want it all to go away,
It's shaping up to be a lonely day

Puff the magic dragon,
lived by the sea,
and frolicked in the autumn mist,
in a land called honali,

Dragons live forever,
but not so little boys,
Painted wings and giant rings made way for other toys,
One grey night it happened, jackie paper was no more,
and puff that magic dragon, he ceased his mighty roar.

His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,
Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane,
without his lifelong friend, puff could not be brave
so puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave.

It really bothers me that people think songs like,' Lucy In The Sky With Diamond's' and ' Let It Be' and 'Puff The Magic Dragon' are songs about drugs. Why is it that any song that is imaginative, slightly out of the norm has to be a song about drugs. Have you no imagination? Have you no innocence? You disgust me. Turning innocent songs into barbaric ones. Honestly, you need to grow down a bit.

whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

Now i'm bleeding in an unfamiliar place

"I'll see you," you promised.

"Don't make promises you can't keep," I laughed.

" What?" You said, confidence laden in your voice," I will see you."

See? I told you, don't make promises you can't keep. Lets forget about seeing you, I haven't even talked to you in what feels like years.

Don't make promises you cannot keep.

We might as well be strangers.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

As we go on with our lives, we realize that everyone around is is constantly changing, its such a dynamic process that sometimes we don't even realize it's happening. Blink, and you'll miss it. Some change for the worse, and other's for the better. Sad to say that you've taken a turn for the worse.

You're cold, and aloof. Your sarcastic remarks reek of disdain and hate. You've found new people and left us in the dust. Your sweet smile is no where to be found. Your kind eyes replaced with soulless ones. Has your spirit run dry? Have the fairy tales sucked the very essence right out of you?

Need I remind you, these are, after all, fairy tales, mirages that disintegrate after the skim of a hand. After all of the mirages shatter and fall to your feet, after the sea's crash on your doorstep, after the sky crumples, what you'll see is, we might not be much, but we're the best you've got. Perhaps its time you appreciate us better.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

In this school, they have the system of forgiveness, of second chances. St Margs never had that. Once you committed a mistake, you were doomed to sideway glances and exaggerated whispers floating all around you. Its all so weird and alien to me.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

it was not your fault but mine,
and it was your heart on the line,
I really fucked it up this time,
didn't I, my dear?

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