Thank you Nazie for always being there for me, for always bitching about the person i'm mad at to make me feel better, for meeting me way too early in town for breakfast, for celebrating my birthday the way you did, for letting me put guyliner on you (hahahah). You're awesome naz! ily!
Thank you Jerri for being my bestest bestest bestest girlfriend ever! Thank you for the love, kindness and understanding. Thank you for going to the nerd convention with me even though you didn't feel like it, thank you for celebrating diwali with me and my family, thank you for the amazing time's we've had at MUFE. I love you Jerriiii!
Lastly, Thank you Aidan for caring. Thank you for listening to my cry over the phone over inconsequential things, thank you for the jokes, thank you for making me laugh, thank you for your wise words, thank you for letting me in - if only just a little bit, it means a lot. Thank you for teaching me so much about myself. You're an amazing guy, and I'll never forget you.
Not only am I grateful for the friends that have always been there for me, i'm also grateful to the many new friends i've made!
Thank you Arrpita, Priya, Nikita, Anchit, Mesiha, Aswi and everyyyone else in my class for making me feel so welcomed, for helping me get over my fears, for your love and warmth. I can't wait to spend 2011 with you guys! I've only known you for 5 months, but I swear, it feels like years :)
Its been an interesting year, not what I expected, but wonderous none the less