
I will follow you into the dark

better do what you can.

Monday, May 30, 2011

and anyway you're not here enough to care.

Its because we both live in our own worlds, its because we both never make the effort, that its so miraculous that we are what we are.

Sometimes I feel like i'm not cut out for all of this. I'm not good enough. I'm not smart enough, or brave enough, or even nice enough. Why am I here? Why am I here? Where have I lost myself? How do I get 'me' back (if 'me' even exists, that is)


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Now the Sun turns out its light, good night, sleep tight, dream sweet dreams for me :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

You're a lonely soul in a land of broken hearts,
you're far from home, its a perfect place to start.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I guess in the end all anyone ever asks for is support. Thats all anyone needs. Well that and love :)

I am the ocean, I am the sea. There is a world inside of me.
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Even the best fall down sometimes.

I guess you could say that today has been one of those 'whirlwind of emotions' kinda day, its been good for many, and horrible for some, and I guess this post is just my way of dealing with it.

Even the wrong words seem to rhyme.

Sometimes, the world likes to do this annoying thing when it kinda just wants to climb onto your shoulders and sit there like a fat bitch, making you take its weight while it watches old reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond and tears open a bag of chips and proceeds to spill crumbs all over you.

It happened today, and it reduced me to tears. I know, I sound weak, but what can I say? It happens. I was tired, I was stressed, I was drained and I was overfired. I didn't need you to make it worse, I didn't need you to drop me back into the flames before I got a chance to cool down once more, so I did what was bound to happen. I exploded, or rather, imploded.

Hey, don't write yourself off yet, its only in your head you feel left out, or looked down on. Just try your best, try everything you can, don't you worry what they tell themselves when you're away.

Even the stars refuse to shine.

I always say, if someone's gonna be two faced, they should make at least one face pretty. But what do you do when you meet someone just like that? Someone with a charming face but a malicious intent?

Just take what you need, and be on your way, and stop crying your heart now.

This is an incompletion.

We've had our highs and lows, but this past year of knowing you has been the best ever, and I don't know what i'll do without you. This is an incompletion. We were supposed to fight through all of this together. We were supposed to have lots more little scuffles but say sorry and hug and get over it again. We were supposed to have so many more funny inside jokes and interesting stories. So many more emotional moments. I can't bear to see you up and leave in the middle of IB. But we can't hold you back, can we?

Take back the city for yourself tonight, i'll take back the city for me, take back the city for yourself tonight. God knows you put your life into his hands, and its both cradled you and crushed. But now its time to make your own demands.

Hello hurricane, you're not enough.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You've always been there for me, and i'm so god damn sorry for how i've been these past few days. I've been insensitive and mean and all you've been is sweet and kind. Its just, sometimes when you see someone you love going through so much, you get frustrated, you know? You get mad and upset and frustrated because you want better for that person. I want better for you. You don't deserve this. You don't deserve what you're feeling right now.

I am so sorry.

When your heart beats under your skin, this time don't be so afraid of losing it! Now I need a friend to cut me out and color me in. I need a helping hand to hold, to lead you out, to take control.

Love is a movement, love is a revolution, this is redemption, we don't have to slow back down.

Hear that Bee? Man up, and face your problems. Don't back down. Don't cry. You're stronger than this.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Its like she ripped your heart into shreds, and even though its all together now, its just all scar tissue - connective tissue that isn't as functional as it was before, thick and pale from the lack of blood circulation. Its like you'll never be functional again.

Remember when you knew how to put the light back in my eyes?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Kiss me, Kiss me, life is way too short to scream and shout

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hey you.

How have you been?

Its been a while since I've put up anything of real substance here. What can I say? Time is whirring by quicker than ever and I haven't yet had time to stop and smell the roses. All is well in my little world. The people I love are happy and safe. The stars have been shining brighter than ever and the rain has fallen leaving little destruction in its wake. Of course, the key word is little. A few minor meltdowns have occurred I guess, but nothing worthy of reporting. On Monday I have my first final IB Yr 1 exam and next Monday, the battle ends. After resting for a few days, i'll have to prepare for the second battle - Entrance examinations. In not more than a year, the war will be over. I will have graduated school and left the tertiary education system with many experiences and life lessons. One can only hope that the bridges I burnt with such malice and paradoxily, pain light my way. One can only hope that though my ribs get tangled, my heart pulls through ( maybe not as pristine as before, but intact nonetheless).

There is not much else on my mind besides this. Besides you. You see, my involvement with this war has lead me to unintentionally disregard your existence. For this, I truly apologize. I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't mean to hurt you (if I did at all). Please, tell me how you've been? I sincerely hope that your moon has been shining big and beautiful and your wounds have started to heal. Please, don't disregard your scars as failures. If there is one thing i've learnt, battle scars show your bravery and passion for life, it is something you should be proud of. You have come out of the hurricane stronger, smarter, swifter.

' Yes, I made it out of the storm alive, with only scars to show.'

I hope you understand that I still care, that I am bad at multi tasking and I shall return to normal as soon as next monday passes. Please be patient with me.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Its been a crazy past few days with fear and sadness breeding in my mind. I was sad about not being able to go to Jakarta with IN, till I realized that next year i'll be moving to uk and going on trips to Paris and Spain with Arrpita :)

Alls well (as well it can be) in my world for now :)


I hate this.
I hate growing up, and having to be responsible, and making the right decisions, and caring about the fucking future. People say this is the time when you can make reckless decisions and get away with anything. Why can't I? Why am I always preparing for the next step? You do well in primary school to get to a good secondary school. You do well in secondary school to get into a JC. You do well in JC to get to a good university. You do well in university to get a good job. You do well at the office to get a promotion. I feel like right now, at this very moment, the fate of my entire life is upon me, and it isn't fair. I'm just a kid ): why're you doing this to me?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

It takes courage to love someone, but even more to love yourself

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